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Alliance for Healthy Communities exists as a platform for building partnerships and collaboration between partners.

Working Together


In the traditional sense, AHC is not an “agency” with its own agenda or services to sustain. Rather, AHC priorities and initiatives reflect consensus among community partners built upon local evidence about substance abuse, its root causes and local capacities for effective action.


Our partners create the spirit and backbone of community level substance abuse prevention, providing the resources necessary to work for community changes that can reduce rates of youth substance abuse.

It takes a diverse array of partners to help ensure a healthy community.


Parents are the integral touch points of neighborhood and community networks.


Youth live the experience of critical decision making and the consequences of those decisions.

Business Leaders

Business leaders have a stake in the outcome of youth development- a healthy, sober and capable work force.


Media professionals provide critical assistance in “getting the word out” for community events.


School administrators, faculty and staff see “first hand” the connections between students’ behavioral health and their capacities to learn

Youth Serving Orgs (YSOs)

YSOs initiate programs in support of healthy youth development, sharing resources and support with AHC.

Law Enforcement Agencies

LEAs represent a critical line of defense against the distribution of illicit drugs and underage drinking; provide important services in support of substance abuse prevention; and command the respect of community members.

Civic/ Fraternal Organizations

Civic and fraternal organizations can provide facilities, promotional and mentoring supports for substance abuse prevention.


Faith-based leaders are trusted members of the community who have the ear of the congregants, and care deeply about the healthy development of all youth and the stability of families.

Substance Abuse Prevention Specialists (SAPS)

SAPS provide training, guidance, material resources, and regional support connections to AHC.

Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals make available their professional and community networks in support of substance abuse prevention.

Government Agency

Governmental agency personnel provide expertise on substance abuse and behavioral health issues.

Featured Partner

Ballwin Police Department
High School Students

Interested in becoming a partner?

Community partners, as individuals or organizations, share in the responsibility, the commitment, the resources and the sacrifices that create the changes necessary to keep kids safe. No one individual or organization has all the answers, nor “eyes and ears” everywhere. To protect our youth from the seduction of drug and alcohol abuse, and the dire consequences at stake, it takes the shared ownership of all community members to create the safety net our kids deserve.

Alliance for Healthy Communities exists because youth substance abuse and its consequences are problems shared by all community stakeholders

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